
米ラウド系サイト『Loudwire』が発表した「21世紀最高のメタル・ソング TOP50」について紹介。SlipknotやIron Maiden、Toolなど様々なメタルバンドがランクインしました。ここでは1位から50位の曲を、動画で紹介していきます。

No. 13: Pantera, ‘Revolution Is My Name’

Pantera - Revolution Is My Name (Video)

No. 12: Mastodon, ‘Blood and Thunder’

MASTODON - "Blood and Thunder"

No. 11: Children of Bodom, ‘Everytime I Die’

Children Of Bodom - Everytime I Die

No. 10: Slayer, ‘Disciple’

Slayer - Disciple

No. 9: Slipknot, ‘The Heretic Anthem’

Slipknot- Heretic Anthem

No. 8: Killswitch Engage, ‘The End of Heartache’

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE - The End Of Heartache

No. 7: Converge, ‘Fault and Fracture’

Converge - Fault And Fracture

No. 6: Cannibal Corpse, ‘Make Them Suffer’

Cannibal Corpse "Make Them Suffer" (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

No. 5: System of a Down, ‘Toxicity’

No. 4: Iron Maiden, ‘The Talisman’

Iron Maiden - The Talisman (En Vivo!) [HD]

No. 3: Between the Buried and Me, ‘Colors’

Between The Buried And Me - Colors (Full Album)

No. 2: Opeth, ‘Blackwater Park’

Opeth - Blackwater Park Full Version [HD 1080p]

No. 1: Tool, ‘Lateralus’


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